Androgyny Image

Jamie Bower represents the new male fashion icon in his androgynous body type and styling. As the prototypical female model has shrunken in size and weight over the years, male models have largely stayed bulky until very recently. Of late, however, men on the runway have been shrinking rapidly in size, perhaps to capture the essence of youth, or alternatively the forbidden, thus alluring world of drugs and self abuse. Pop icons not only attract through means of their talent and charisma, but also through their iconic status as free spirits or radicals. Lately, pop icons have been able to capture this idea of the "free spirit" by abusing themselves through drug use and other excessive and self destructive behavior. Some of these stick thin male and female figures such as Nicole Richie, Kate Moss and Pete Dougherty begin to resemble each other as they lose the features which distinguish them clearly as men or women.

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Jamie Bower

Androgyny Image